Sunday, March 29, 2020

Enjoying the moment!!!

This loud Southern girl has been missing in action for several years. I haven't been writing much, I have just been trying to survive one day at a time and while I have been surviving I have been celebrating because you see my readers I really do live life out loud.

It is late March and I have my Christmas decorations up on the porch after reading a suggestion that we do so to remind people that there is HOPE in these difficult times, and so I have. Rudolph's noise is just a shining and a shining.

The little dog isn't sure about Rudolph but I am just happy to see the beautiful lights, or what I have of them. LOL!! They remind me of happier times and so I have them on. 

I know that people who read what I write think that I am just SUCH the "Pollyanna,"unless they read a post that makes them think that I am a whiney "Debbie Downer," LOL! I am neither but I do have some DD moments. 

My writing at the moment is rather mundane and repetitive but I keep writing with the hope that it will get better and that my fingers will become more nimble. 

Ciao my little sweet potatoes,


#amwriting #stayhomewrimo 

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